
Posts Tagged ‘larp jokes’

This is poetryandtea, my new blog on WordPress. I am rather addicted to both.

All comments and constructive criticism on my poems are welcome.

Please do include your name with your comment, or let me know you’re following me. (Not in the street. I believe that’s frowned upon.)

I hope to entertain and amuse, and possibly entertain a muse. Making people think wouldn’t be half bad either.

I also hope to be able to add songs on this site once I’ve got to grips with recording software. Ah, technology, is there nothing you can’t do?

Now in the words of a wise man “All the unliving are destroyed and the kettle is on” – today’s tea is Assam, and today’s poem will be a villanelle. If you’re not sure what a villanelle is and would like an example to go and read while I write mine, check out ‘Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night’ by the incomparable Dylan Thomas, or ‘Mad Girl’s Love Song’ by Sylvia Plath. Both splendid.

Now what was that about putting the milk in last…?

Talk to you later,

Miss Ju

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